The Spirit Molecule

The Spirit Molecule

The Spirit Molecule

Coming Soon!

The Spirit Molecule - Ayahuasca - A Journey to Another Place

This is Roger's third publications and it is an adult fiction, a change to his previous two publications, which were in the genre of children's book.

This book gives us the world and the journey to another place with Ayahuasca.

"Do you believe in Angels or Spirit people? 

Teddy and Tommy didn't believe in any of that, but they do now !

Their story begins in 1964 at a Beatles concert in Cardiff and ends 54 years later in 2022 in a way they could never have imagined. The story is in three parts, it begins in a small chapel in Wales. This is where they first meet the Spirit People, but at the time they were unaware they were Spirit People.

This meeting leads them back to the Beatles concert where they meet and have a misunderstood conversation with John Lennon. 

From there the spirit people lead them to a Shamanistic experience through a young lady named Rachel who tells them all about the powers of Ayahausca."

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